Why Flexible Memberships are not Cheap Golf 

Why flexible members are not cheap golf
By Matt Smith - 11/06/24

Identifying new sources of revenue is at the top of every General Manager’s priority list. Opportunities such as wedding breakfasts and Christmas parties are appealing options.

However, when it comes to navigating that fine line between golf income and member satisfaction it becomes quite the tension. Similarly, let us consider the golf course. How do you provide adequate member tee times and fill those quieter, weekday afternoons? 

Green Fees versus flexible membership 

Have you considered what is more profitable? Ad hoc green fees or establishing and maintaining a flexible golf membership? Let us address the elephant in the room.  

Changing the narrative and perception of a flexible golf member is critical. Flexible memberships are not ‘cheap golf.’  

In fact, the average yield for most of our partner clubs is higher than a standard full, 7-day member. For many clubs across the UK, they have not yet tapped into this revenue stream, and this should be a key focus moving forwards. 

Our data suggests less than 15% of golf clubs in Great Britain have a flexible membership category. Meaning there is a big pool of golfers out there for you to attract. 

Who are flexible golf members and why they’re not cheap golfers

Here are the insights into the average flexible member on our platform. 

  • A flexible member on average plays 12 times per year.
  • We know that they yield 2 to 3 times higher than a full member.  
  • When golf clubs are concerned about the older golfer being replaced, our demographic is over 10 years younger than your average golf members, at 46 years old. 

If we could help offer your golf club a higher yield member, somebody that is younger than your average full member, they tend to play in off-peak times, they will help generate you more revenue than a visitor that plays 6 times a year, would that be worth conversation?  

We think so.