What makes me a flexible golfer? 

Matt Smith | Flexible Golfer | PlayMoreGolf
By Matt Smith - 25/06/24

Are all flexible golfers the same?

I’m Matt and I have a handicap of plus 2. People ask me why on earth am I a flexible golf member with a handicap so low?  

They think because I play to a high standard, I must be a full member playing all the time. I must be playing in weekend competitions, scratch events, club matches, and practicing constantly.  

Some of that is true and to maintain a low handicap I must practice and play. However, the amount of time I have available does not warrant full membership at present – but hopefully soon, it will. 

Life commitments outside of golf 

I have a young family with my youngest, Florence, turning 3 soon. She takes up a lot of my time on the weekends. I do miss playing competitive golf like I used to, but I am not substituting that for quality time with the family. Soon, Florence will have friends and Saturday morning clubs and she won’t need dad as much, so I am enjoying it whilst it lasts. 

The perfect fit for me in this season is a golf membership that enables me to play golf when I can. Being a flexible golfer means playing mainly weekdays, mostly afternoons and evenings. This is where I feel I get the most amount of value for money. Being able to play every now and then but still feeling part of the golf club is important to me.  

I can still play with my friends and still enjoy them buying the beers after an epic 18-hole match. I can relax in the clubhouse, taking comfort in the familiarity of the staff knowing me. Right now, I only get to do it once a month, but I still feel part of the community and club I have been a member of for 16 years. 

Being flexible on and off the golf course

Flexible membership gives me the freedom to play when I want, knowing that it is value for money, especially with costs outside of golf increasing. 

With time, constraints will change and once the kids are a little older I will be able to play more golf. I may consider the benefits of a full membership and upgrading my membership again. However, the benefits of a flexible membership far outweigh anything else. 

For now, flexible golf membership is perfect for my lifestyle.