How to Effectively Manage a Flexible Membership Programme

Golf club manager trying to manager flexible membership scheme

Are you a golf club considering the introduction of a flexible membership scheme? If your golf management system includes a flexible membership module, this could be a viable option for you. You might also be a club that already offers a flexible membership program. Before embarking on the journey of managing your own flexible membership

Enhancing Member Retention at Your Golf Club

Golf club manager helping retain his existing memers

Retain your golf club members It’s no surprise that we would advocate for a points-based membership system as a means of retaining current members. In this article, we aim to explain how such a system can help retain your existing members. Furthermore, we try to alleviate the concern many golf clubs have about members shifting

Dynamic Pricing: A Game-Changer or a Hazard for Golf Clubs?

Golf club manager looking at dynamic pricing

Dynamic pricing can be a powerful tool for golf course operators, but its implementation requires careful consideration. Balancing revenue optimization with customer satisfaction is crucial to the success of any dynamic pricing strategy. Dynamic pricing, also known as surge or demand pricing, is not new to the golf industry. However, it took a back seat

Should Your Golf Club Prioritise Membership or Green Fee Revenue?

A golf course in England

Determining Revenue: Membership or Green Fees? Should your golf club focus on attracting more members or increasing casual green fee visitors? Does your club prefer contracted memberships or rely on ‘pay & play’ customers, whose participation is often influenced by unpredictable weather conditions? Many golf clubs across the UK prefer the steady income from contracted