Should I run my own Flexible Membership scheme or work with PlayMoreGolf?

PlayMoreGolf Flexible Membership versus your own

How to run a Flexible Membership scheme well Are a Golf Club considering introducing a flexible membership scheme?  If your golf management system offers a flexible membership module, then yes, you could consider using this to run your own flexible membership. You may also be a Golf Club who already has a flexible membership scheme

Effective Strategies for Boosting Golf Club Membership Levels

What are effective plans for boosting golf club membership levels?  Talking about boosting golf club membership is perhaps not something that many golf clubs have had to think about this past 24 months.  It would be fair to say that recruitment of new members and retention of existing members has been strong.  We have seen

Will Introducing a Winter Golf Membership Increase Revenue for Your Club? 

Playing golf in the rain | PlayMoreGolf | Flexible Membership

How your golf club can increase revenue in the winter Now is typically the time of year where some golf clubs start to consider membership offers or a winter golf membership at a reduced rate. However, is this really the best way to encourage golfers to play at their club in the winter? What if

Launching a Flexible Membership in Winter

Winter golf at Foxhills

Introducing a Versatile Membership Option for Winter: A Winning Choice for Winter Golf Enthusiasts  Many golf clubs have attempted to combat the sluggish winter months by introducing discounted winter membership offers. If your club is among them, have you ever considered launching a more strategic and valuable flexible golf membership category instead?   At PlayMoreGolf, we