What makes me a flexible golfer? 

Matt Smith | Flexible Golfer | PlayMoreGolf

Are all flexible golfers the same? I’m Matt and I have a handicap of plus 2. People ask me why on earth am I a flexible golf member with a handicap so low?   They think because I play to a high standard, I must be a full member playing all the time. I must be

Why is there a negative view about flexible golf membership?  

Flexible members blog

4 myths about Flexible Membership  Flexible golf is thriving. More golf clubs are implementing the category into their membership options. However, we believe there are a few misconceptions about flexible membership. So, what are they?  1. Flexible membership is cheap golf   Absolutely not! Data shows that the yield, or cost per time, compared to your

Why Flexible Memberships are not Cheap Golf 

Why flexible members are not cheap golf

Identifying new sources of revenue is at the top of every General Manager’s priority list. Opportunities such as wedding breakfasts and Christmas parties are appealing options. However, when it comes to navigating that fine line between golf income and member satisfaction it becomes quite the tension. Similarly, let us consider the golf course. How do

5 Pros and Cons (or myths) of Flexible Membership 

golf club membership manager holding up pros and cons signs

Finding the balance with points-based membership categories  Within the overall lifetime of golf membership, flexible points-based memberships are relatively new following the development of technology to golf club management.    That is not to say points-based memberships weren’t in operation prior. There were examples of paper or spreadsheet-based versions in operation. These worked with manual recordings