Managing a Corporate Membership effectively 

corporate members having a meeting before playing golf

I have a Corporate Membership scheme but find it hard to manage it.     We hear from many golf clubs all over the UK telling us that they have a great Corporate Membership scheme in place that attracts interest from local and national corporates. The revenue the club generates from its Corporate Membership also contributes to

My golf club needs to increase membership numbers

A golf club manager walking around their club trying to increase membership numbers

Your Golf Club’s Membership Strategy  The summer is in full swing now. But, are you a Golf Club General Manager, Owner, Committee Member, or Director considering your membership strategy? Did your renewal period not go according plan? You may be asking yourself what alternative membership models are there available to help your golf club attract

What impact does flexible membership have on your overall membership revenue?

Generating more golf membership revenue Most golf clubs have now gone through their membership renewal period for this year. And, despite us being in the middle of the summer, which normally means full operation mode, many General Managers and Club Secretaries are already looking ahead to building new revenue streams into their budgets.  Understanding your

Generating more revenue from your tee sheet

Generate more revenue through your tee sheet

Can a points matrix help to control utilisation on the golf course?  We are all quite familiar with the traditional membership subscription model. Overall, this provides members with unlimited golf within certain parameters (time and day).  These membership models have been in operation for many years.   With participation rates at an all-time high and utilisation

Why do golf clubs offer an intermediate membership category? 

3 intermediate golf members

Can intermediate memberships be a successful category at my golf club?  This is an area I have been giving a lot of thought to recently. I ask myself “why do golf clubs offer an intermediate membership category?”  Did golf clubs experience high demand for this category of membership post Covid? Also, did they put caps on