Darren Redwood

Debunking the Myth: Why Flexible Golf Memberships Are Not Just Cheap Golf

general manager looking at their golf club revenue by flexible membership

A common misconception often heard in the golf community is that flexible golf memberships are simply cheap golf, undermining the value of traditional memberships. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it’s worth considering whether those who hold this view fully understand the benefits and strategic value of flexible golf memberships. Flexible membership isn’t about

Why Your Active Full Members Won’t Downgrade to a Flexible Membership Category

flexible members playing golf on a heathland course

A Flexible Membership is Perfect for Your Golf Club When we introduce the PlayMoreGolf opportunity to golf clubs, one of the most common concerns is: “Will offering a flexible membership category lead to a decrease in my full members?” The simple answer is no, and here’s why. Traditional Memberships vs. Flexible Memberships The traditional golf

Increase member retention at your golf club with flexible memberships

Membership retention

Boosting Membership Retention at Your Golf Club As you might expect, we’re advocates for points-based memberships as a tool for retaining current members. However, we want to take this opportunity to delve into why it can be effective in member retention and address common concerns many clubs have. One of the biggest fears we hear

Should Golf Clubs Offer Flexible or Points-Based Membership Options?

golf club manager thinking about implementing flexible membership options

For several years now, golf clubs have grappled with the question: should they introduce a flexible or points-based membership category? At PlayMoreGolf, we understand the many advantages flexible memberships offer to golf clubs: In England alone, we estimate that only 18% of golf clubs currently offer a flexible membership option. That’s a surprisingly low figure

The Pros and Cons of Discounting Golf Membership

Discounted golf memberships | PlayMoreGolf

Does Offering Discounted Membership Work for Golf Clubs? In the competitive world of golf club memberships, offering discounts is a common strategy to attract new members and bolster numbers. However, while the appeal of lower costs can drive interest, there are several factors to weigh before deciding if this approach is right for your club.

The Impact of Flexible Membership on Your Golf Club’s Revenue

Golf club manager looking at their computer screen showing membership revenue

Alternative Membership Revenue Streams in Your Budget As the budgeting season approaches, golf clubs are beginning to review their membership categories and assess associated revenue streams. General Managers and Club Secretaries are exploring potential changes and new revenue opportunities to incorporate into their budgets. A great starting point is to understand your members’ playing habits

Marketing Support We Provide for Your Flexible Golf Membership Category

A golf club manager looking blankly at their computer whilst trying to do marketing

Unlocking Golf Club Success Through Strategic Marketing  In the competitive landscape, effective marketing is crucial for golf clubs seeking to thrive and attract local golfers. One solution that has gained significant attention and proven success is our Flexible Membership category. With a dedicated team of marketers focused on promoting your golf club to local golfers,

How to Effectively Manage a Flexible Membership Programme

Golf club manager trying to manager flexible membership scheme

Are you a golf club considering the introduction of a flexible membership scheme? If your golf management system includes a flexible membership module, this could be a viable option for you. You might also be a club that already offers a flexible membership program. Before embarking on the journey of managing your own flexible membership

Enhancing Member Retention at Your Golf Club

Golf club manager helping retain his existing memers

Retain your golf club members It’s no surprise that we would advocate for a points-based membership system as a means of retaining current members. In this article, we aim to explain how such a system can help retain your existing members. Furthermore, we try to alleviate the concern many golf clubs have about members shifting

Dynamic Pricing: A Game-Changer or a Hazard for Golf Clubs?

Golf club manager looking at dynamic pricing

Dynamic pricing can be a powerful tool for golf course operators, but its implementation requires careful consideration. Balancing revenue optimization with customer satisfaction is crucial to the success of any dynamic pricing strategy. Dynamic pricing, also known as surge or demand pricing, is not new to the golf industry. However, it took a back seat

Should Your Golf Club Prioritise Membership or Green Fee Revenue?

A golf course in England

Determining Revenue: Membership or Green Fees? Should your golf club focus on attracting more members or increasing casual green fee visitors? Does your club prefer contracted memberships or rely on ‘pay & play’ customers, whose participation is often influenced by unpredictable weather conditions? Many golf clubs across the UK prefer the steady income from contracted

Managing a Corporate Membership effectively 

corporate members having a meeting before playing golf

I have a Corporate Membership scheme but find it hard to manage it.     We hear from many golf clubs all over the UK telling us that they have a great Corporate Membership scheme in place that attracts interest from local and national corporates. The revenue the club generates from its Corporate Membership also contributes to

My golf club needs to increase membership numbers

A golf club manager walking around their club trying to increase membership numbers

Your Golf Club’s Membership Strategy  The summer is in full swing now. But, are you a Golf Club General Manager, Owner, Committee Member, or Director considering your membership strategy? Did your renewal period not go according plan? You may be asking yourself what alternative membership models are there available to help your golf club attract

What impact does flexible membership have on your overall membership revenue?

Generating more golf membership revenue Most golf clubs have now gone through their membership renewal period for this year. And, despite us being in the middle of the summer, which normally means full operation mode, many General Managers and Club Secretaries are already looking ahead to building new revenue streams into their budgets.  Understanding your

Generating more revenue from your tee sheet

Generate more revenue through your tee sheet

Can a points matrix help to control utilisation on the golf course?  We are all quite familiar with the traditional membership subscription model. Overall, this provides members with unlimited golf within certain parameters (time and day).  These membership models have been in operation for many years.   With participation rates at an all-time high and utilisation

Why do golf clubs offer an intermediate membership category? 

3 intermediate golf members

Can intermediate memberships be a successful category at my golf club?  This is an area I have been giving a lot of thought to recently. I ask myself “why do golf clubs offer an intermediate membership category?”  Did golf clubs experience high demand for this category of membership post Covid? Also, did they put caps on

What makes me a flexible golfer? 

Matt Smith | Flexible Golfer | PlayMoreGolf

Are all flexible golfers the same? I’m Matt and I have a handicap of plus 2. People ask me why on earth am I a flexible golf member with a handicap so low?   They think because I play to a high standard, I must be a full member playing all the time. I must be

Why is there a negative view about flexible golf membership?  

Flexible members blog

4 myths about Flexible Membership  Flexible golf is thriving. More golf clubs are implementing the category into their membership options. However, we believe there are a few misconceptions about flexible membership. So, what are they?  1. Flexible membership is cheap golf   Absolutely not! Data shows that the yield, or cost per time, compared to your

Why Flexible Memberships are not Cheap Golf 

Why flexible members are not cheap golf

Identifying new sources of revenue is at the top of every General Manager’s priority list. Opportunities such as wedding breakfasts and Christmas parties are appealing options. However, when it comes to navigating that fine line between golf income and member satisfaction it becomes quite the tension. Similarly, let us consider the golf course. How do

5 Pros and Cons (or myths) of Flexible Membership 

golf club membership manager holding up pros and cons signs

Finding the balance with points-based membership categories  Within the overall lifetime of golf membership, flexible points-based memberships are relatively new following the development of technology to golf club management.    That is not to say points-based memberships weren’t in operation prior. There were examples of paper or spreadsheet-based versions in operation. These worked with manual recordings

The Power of Points-Based Membership in Golf 

golf club manager having the power of the points based membership

Points-based memberships are the future of golf What are my options for introducing a flexible points-based membership and what prevents my full members downgrading onto it?  I am often asked this question when clubs are considering alternative membership solutions to 5 and 7 day membership categories.  My response tends to be the same. There is a

What is the Marketing Strategy to Promoting a New Flexible Membership? 

Golf club general manager writing a marketing strategy for flexible membership

Now your golf club has made the decision to introduce a new flexible membership category. It is crucial you put together a thoughtful marketing strategy to promote this new category to attract new members. We have developed an effective launch campaign for all new partner clubs to ensure you maximise new members, even before your

Finding the Balance Between Off-Course Golf Entertainment and On-Course Traditions

golf driving range and golf course

Bridging the Gap: Are Companies like PlayMoreGolf the Solution to Combining Off-Course Golf with On-Course Golf?  How much is golf changing?  Golf has long been a beloved sport, known for its tradition, skill, and the serene beauty of the golf course. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the golfing landscape.

PlayMoreGolf and Zest.Golf announce strategic partnership

Zest.golf partnership with PlayMoreGolf

A new collaboration to boost the global golf market PlayMoreGolf, the leading online golf membership platform, and Zest.Golf, an innovative channel manager for golf courses, have announced a strategic partnership to support international expansion of PlayMoreGolf and the adoption of Zest.Golf as a leading booking facilitator. About the partnership The partnership will enable PlayMoreGolf to

How Golf Club’s Should Set Up Their Flexible Membership 

Flexible Membership golf club

Optimising Pricing and Structure for Flexible Memberships: A Comprehensive Approach   In the realm of golf club memberships, the concept of a flexible membership has gained traction as an alternative to the traditional seven-day membership. However, it is crucial to approach the pricing matrix and structure of flexible memberships with a strategic mindset, avoiding the notion

Maximising Sales Leads

Golf sales manager following up with a flexible membership lead

How to get the most out of leads generated for your golf club  In the dynamic world of sales, every lead is a potential opportunity waiting to be seized. The key to converting these leads into loyal customers lies not only in the speed of response but also in the personal touch applied to each

A Marketing Strategy to Attract Flexible Members 

A golf club manager working on a marketing strategy for playmoregolf

How to implement an effective marketing strategy to generate more members?   This is a question many golf clubs will pose to us. One key benefit for partner clubs is that we create a marketing strategy and then implement it.  There are several key factors that can affect the success of joining flexible members.     Using a

5 missed opportunities for your golf club not having a Flexible Membership category 

Flexible membership golfers sitting around a table

Should golf clubs have a Flexible or Points-based membership category?    This is a question golf clubs have asked themselves for a few years now. At PlayMoreGolf, we know the benefits of golf clubs having a flexible membership:   We estimate in England alone, only 18% of golf clubs offer a flexible membership category. That is very

Golf Membership Revenue vs Ad Hoc Green Fee Revenue? 

Golf members watching green fee golfers in the rain

Will your golf club generate more revenue through membership or green fees? Should I try to take on more members or casual green fee visitors?  Are you a club that prefers to have contracted members? Or do you prefer that your customers ‘pay & play’ which is ever more dependent on unreliable weather conditions?  It

Demand led price increases are great for our golf club 

Price led blog post. PlayMoreGolf

How to structure your points-based membership to run alongside your green fee price strategy.  Given the unprecedented demand experienced by golf clubs in the post COVID pandemic era, participation levels are at an all-time high. This inevitably leads to golf clubs reviewing their pricing strategies and increasing their green fees rates to drive better yield. 

How to attract more members to your golf club? 

Attract flexible members to your golf club.

Your Golf Club’s Membership Strategy  Are you a Golf Club General Manager, Owner, Committee Member, or Director considering your membership strategy? You may be asking yourself what alternative membership models are available to help your golf club attract more golfers.   There are several options that you could consider which work alongside your current membership categories. 

Effective Strategies for Increasing Membership Numbers at your Golf Club

increasing membership numbers with golf manager looking at a graph

Can my golf club grow its membership numbers?  Talking about boosting your golf club membership is not something that many golf clubs have had to think about these past 24 months. It would be fair to say that recruitment of new members and retention of existing members has been strong. We have seen the emergence of membership

How Does a Contra-Deal Work with PlayMoreGolf?

Two golf club managers agreeing a contra deal for PlayMoreGolf

Can my club join the PlayMoreGolf Network and not pay an annual fee?  The short answer to this question is no. However, we do have several different solutions, including contra, for you to pay your annual fee. This includes an option to allow PlayMoreGolf to cover the annual fee from the income we generate for

What benefits can a golfer gain from a flexible points-based membership? 

Benefits flexible members can receive from membership with PlayMoreGolf

Is a flexible membership right for golfers?  This is not necessarily a question many golf clubs have had to ask themselves recently given the unprecedented boom. Although, we know from industry experts that the number of golfers joining golf club has reduced. So, as golf clubs start their planning for 2024 it is an important

Protected: Girton Golf Club joins PlayMoreGolf Network

Girton joins PlayMoreGolf flexible membership network

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Structuring a Flexible Membership Effectively

Golf club managers discussing flexible points-based membership

What Flexible Membership is Best for your Golf Club  This white paper explores the importance of structuring a flexible membership model for golf clubs and its impact on renewal rates. It addresses key issues related to tee time availability within the tee sheet, exclusion of times, pricing strategies. Plus, we look at the use of

Will introducing Flexible Membership at my golf club cause all my full members to downgrade?

Full member downgrade? Flexible membership | Playmoregolf

Why a Flexible Membership is perfect for your golf club When we discuss the PlayMoreGolf opportunity with golf clubs, many ask the same question. Will having a flexible golf membership category mean all my full members are going to ‘downgrade’? The short answer is no, and here is why: The traditional membership model is only

Can a points-based membership system help in retaining current members?

Member retention using points-based membership

Article written by former General Manager and current COO, Brad Chard. Increasing membership retention at your golf club  You would expect us to say ‘yes’ to a points-based membership helping retain current members. What we would like to try and articulate in this article is that it will help to retain current members. We will

12 things you need to run a successful Flexible Membership category

Golf club office team running a successful flexible membership category

Article written by Club Sales & Club Support Manager Matthew Smith The key to running a thriving Flexible Membership Having a lifestyle membership, associate membership, flexible membership, whatever you want to call it, there is certainly a need for it at every golf club. Why? Because there is a massive market for golfers who do

The Benefits of Your Golf Club Partnering with PlayMoreGolf

Partner golf club benefits | Increase membership revenue

Article written by COO, Brad Chard Why your golf club should partner with PlayMoreGolf In today’s competitive landscape, golf clubs face numerous challenges to attract and retain members while staying financially sustainable. One effective solution gaining momentum is partnering with innovative platforms like PlayMoreGolf. This blog will delve into the compelling reasons why your club

Should golf clubs implement dynamic pricing?

Dynamic pricing | Best rate | Cheapest Price | PlaymoreGolf

Dynamic Pricing:  Dynamite or Kryptonite for Golf Clubs? While dynamic pricing can be a powerful tool for golf course operators, it is crucial to approach its implementation with caution. Striking a balance between revenue optimisation and customer satisfaction is key to a successful dynamic pricing strategy. Surge pricing or dynamic pricing is not a new

What are the potential challenges in implementing a points-based membership solution?

Challenge hitting ball | PlayMoreGolf | Flexible Membership

Things you should consider before launching a points-based membership category Have you thought about introducing a flexible membership in the past or is thinking about introducing one now? I wanted to share with you some of the potential challenges you may wish to consider. These challenges are things we talk about to clubs who are

Should I run my own Flexible Membership scheme or work with PlayMoreGolf?

PlayMoreGolf Flexible Membership versus your own

How to run a Flexible Membership scheme well Are a Golf Club considering introducing a flexible membership scheme?  If your golf management system offers a flexible membership module, then yes, you could consider using this to run your own flexible membership. You may also be a Golf Club who already has a flexible membership scheme

Effective Strategies for Boosting Golf Club Membership Levels

What are effective plans for boosting golf club membership levels?  Talking about boosting golf club membership is perhaps not something that many golf clubs have had to think about this past 24 months.  It would be fair to say that recruitment of new members and retention of existing members has been strong.  We have seen

Will Introducing a Winter Golf Membership Increase Revenue for Your Club? 

Playing golf in the rain | PlayMoreGolf | Flexible Membership

How your golf club can increase revenue in the winter Now is typically the time of year where some golf clubs start to consider membership offers or a winter golf membership at a reduced rate. However, is this really the best way to encourage golfers to play at their club in the winter? What if

Launching a Flexible Membership in Winter

Winter golf at Foxhills

Introducing a Versatile Membership Option for Winter: A Winning Choice for Winter Golf Enthusiasts  Many golf clubs have attempted to combat the sluggish winter months by introducing discounted winter membership offers. If your club is among them, have you ever considered launching a more strategic and valuable flexible golf membership category instead?   At PlayMoreGolf, we